Royal Northern Sinfonia return to The Maltings with a captivating programme of classical music for wind and strings.

Claude Debussy Sonata for Flute, Viola and Harp (18’)
Arnold Bax Nonet (21’)
Franz Schubert Octet (63‘)

The first half features two enchanting, impressionistic pieces: Claude Debussy’s delicate Sonata for Flute, Viola, and Harp and Arnold Bax’s lush Nonet (piece for nine instruments). Followed by Franz Schubert’s monumental Octet for clarinet, bassoon, horn and string quintet.

You’ll be swept away by the sheer joy of this symphony disguised as chamber music, as bold and breathtaking as any piece for full orchestra.




1h30m + interval


£20, child FREE (max. 2 per paying adult)


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From To
Friday Friday 27/09/2024 19:30pm 19:30pm Friday Friday 27/09/2024 22:00pm 22:00pm