Using the theme of Routes, Networks and Connections, enjoy some creative doodling at our Zentangle drop in at Berwick Library. Fill in as much of the white space on the HODs logo as possible and enter your creation into a competition to win a prize! A chance for all ages to reveal their creative talents and be part of an exhibition in the Library.

Fri 6th: 0930–1630; Sat 7th: 1030–1630;
Mon 9th–Fri 13th: 0930–1630; Sat 15th: 1030–1630
No pre-booking required
Directions: ///adults.ears.race
Berwick Library, Walkergate, TD15 1DB

Dates & Prices


From To
Friday Friday 06/09/2024 09:30am 09:30am Friday Friday 06/09/2024 16:30pm 16:30pm
Saturday Saturday 07/09/2024 10:30am 10:30am Saturday Saturday 07/09/2024 16:30pm 16:30pm
Monday Monday 09/09/2024 09:30am 09:30am Friday Friday 06/09/2024 16:30pm 16:30pm
Sunday Sunday 15/09/2024 10:30am 10:30am Sunday Sunday 15/09/2024 16:30pm 16:30pm