It will soon be time for Dockside Gallery's autumn solo exhibition, and this year, the spotlight will be shining on Northumberland's very own Luke McTaggart.

This show, entitled “Full Colour”, will be made up of paintings focusing on the landscape he cycles daily on the way the way to his studio near Amble and sketching trips to Berwick and the River Tweed. The paintings are all underpinned by a new attitude to colour that the artist links with the work of early 20th-century French ‘Fauve’ and Nabis painters.

Luke says

“Over the past year or so, I’ve become really interested in painters like Bonnard and Derain. Artists who used solid colours to create a kind of emotional intensity in their work”.

While viewers might initially find this palette challenging to see in the sometimes flat Northumbrian light, Luke McTaggart’s paintings are compelling in their ability to evoke a deep sense of place through the use of an ‘unnatural’ colour palette. 

Full Colour opens on Sat 5th Oct and will run until the Sat 19th Oct.

Opening Times

Tuesday – Saturday

10am – 5:30pm

Sunday and Monday


Dates & Prices


From To
Saturday Saturday 05/10/2024 13:00pm 13:00pm Saturday Saturday 19/10/2024 17:00pm 17:00pm