Food and Drink
If you are looking for food and drink in Berwick, including; restaurants, cafes, pubs and inns, we have an excellent assortment of places to eat in Berwick-upon-Tweed.
The town’s pubs and restaurants have an abundance of delicious local products from which they can create mouth-watering menus. With food sourced from Northumberland and the Borders you can enjoy fresh fish, local pork, lamb and beef. Desserts are created with local honey, ice cream, cakes and biscuits or a cheese platter from the nearby dairy. All of this can be washed down with a pint of ale from a micro-brewery or a small glass of our famous local mead.
For a list of local businesses where you will find food made from ingredients sourced from the area around the mouth of the Tweed, please visit the Mouth of the Tweed website.
Berwick is a Slow Food town. Slow Food is a network of producers and people who simply love good food. Food producers are a key part of the slow food movement which is very much about knowing where your food comes from. Berwick Slow Food group was established in 2006 to celebrate the rich food heritage of this historic border town and its thriving food scene today.
On a visit to Berwick you might choose a traditional fish and chip shop selling locally caught cod and haddock. If it’s a sweet treat you’re after, having completed a long day walking, cycling or exploring, we have tea shops and cafes filled to the brim with cakes and delicacies.
Whatever you choose, you’ll see we are proud of our food and always strive to serve the very best produce with the warmest of welcomes.
Berwick’s annual Food and Beer Festival, with special displays and demonstrations, celebrates the town’s heritage of producing food and drink through the ages.