Berwick’s only Catholic Church is tucked away behind the houses fronting Ravensdowne. Opened in 1829, with later additions, come and see the building and admire its paintings and stained glass windows.
As the Catholic population of Berwick grew slowly throughout the 18th century, a building – now part of the St Aidan’s Hall complex – was purchased and opened as a chapel in 1799. The small community worshipped in this Church Street building until the Catholic Relief Acts.
The church has a series of 14 paintings depicting the story of Jesus’s Crucifixion, forming the Stations of the Cross. It also has a painting ‘The Agony of Our Lord in the Garden’ which has a very unusual history.

Fri 13th: 1300–1600; Sat 14th: 1000–1300
No pre-booking required
Directions: ///sting.tags.eggs
64 Ravensdowne, TD15 1DQ

Access: There is a single step into the church.

Dates & Prices


From To
Friday Friday 13/09/2024 13:00pm 13:00pm Friday Friday 13/09/2024 16:00pm 16:00pm
Saturday Saturday 14/09/2024 10:00am 10:00am Thursday Thursday 05/09/2024 13:00pm 13:00pm